We Can Help You Navigate Your DWI Case
Because of the current New Hampshire driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) laws, the process for defending you against this charge is often complex. And if the court finds you guilty, the ramifications can be catastrophic. You need a DWI lawyer with advanced expertise to help you navigate the potentially treacherous legal landscape. This is exactly what you will receive when you hire MacDonald Law, PC, to represent you.

An Insider's Perspective on DWI Laws
A DWI lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the criminal law system has significant qualifications to try to win your case. Attorney MacDonald has been internationally certified as a Drug Recognition Expert Instructor (DRE) and as a Field Sobriety Test Instructor. In addition, he assisted with the coordination of local police response to DWI enforcement. He truly has an insider's perspective on DWI laws.
What to Do When You Are Wrongfully Accused
Unfortunately, wrongful accusations of DWI occur far more often than you might think. Reasons include faulty breath and blood testing equipment that can return a false positive result. Sobriety field tests that some people struggle to successfully complete even when sober or when under the legal intoxication limits are another reason. In New Hampshire, a person charged with a DWI offense faces two major challenges:
- Fighting a criminal prosecution in a state of New Hampshire court.
- Fighting a possible administrative license suspension from the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles.
When you have a skilled DWI lawyer at MacDonald Law, PC arguing your case, you will significantly improve your chances of the court finding you innocent.
Let Us Start Working on Your Case Today
You do not want a DWI conviction to haunt you for the rest of your life. MacDonald Law, PC, will work to prevent this grim scenario from becoming a reality. Take the first step by calling us at (603) 712-5226 or by filling out our online contact form.